Friday, May 10, 2024

Such A Deal!!!

Donald Trump is short on cash so what else can he do
But promise to sell legal favors to CEOs who
Write checks that add a billion dollars to his Prez campaign?
Corruption? Yes of course! But it’s how rich shits play the game.

Donald Trump keeps claiming he’s the richest man alive
But constant pleas for cash prove his claims are just suck and jive
He uses to not ever spend his cash on anything
Why should he when his conned cult at him small donations fling?

But small donations have dried up as expenses increase
And so to CEOs he’s turned for financial relief
His pig lips squeal it’s SUCH A DEAL!!! for them to fund his cause
Because in return he’ll reverse environmental laws!

Trump’s corruption is no surprise, he’s so consistently
Displayed it there is nothing new about it left to see
The rich shits should be more condemned, those present in Trump’s room
F**k Big Oil executives funding our planet’s doom!

10 May 2024

Donald Trump is Short on Cash - and Selling Laws to Anyone Who Will Pay

Trump pitches a highly dubious $1 billion deal to Big Oil executives

Report: Donald Trump told oil execs to raise $1 billion for his campaign and he’ll reverse Biden’s environmental regulations

Trump to Big Oil Execs: Give Me $1 Billion and I’ll Help You Wreck the Planet

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