Sunday, May 12, 2024

Not Really Worried

Her first misreading was thinking that shooting a young puppy
Would prove she was more mucho macho than any Dem yuppie
Which would endear her to the MAGA mob she’d planned to court
To her bid for Vice President selection support
But her dog killing backfired so much it’s hardly mattered
To also find out in her book the truth two times she tattered.

It had already been established Noem never met
The dictator of North Korea even on a bet
Which became the first lie revealed in the book she had planned
To propel her to VP-ship but now’s gotten her panned
For shooting goats and puppies and her lie about some meeting
With Kim Jun Un which never occurred despite her book’s bleating.

Now added to one bad truth and one bad lie there appears
To be another claim she made that held truth in arrears
And that’s another meeting with a world leader whose guys
Claim she never met with and upon whim laid no eyes
Emmanuel Macron's the second person lied about
In the book she really thought would bring her VP clout.

So now instead of touring to tout her book Kristi
Is sitting on the sidelines at least temporarily
Because the things she did the press thinks made her chances die
And other things she never did which proved to be a lie
But she’s not really worried because she knows her aspects
Of cruelty and lying are both traits Dear Leader respects.

12 May 2024

Yet another lie found in Kristi Noem’s book? Even Trump feels sorry for her.

French official disputes passage about Emmanuel Macron in Kristi Noem’s book.

Noem Out, Cancels Book Tour In Light Of NYT Article, Amazon Reviews.

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