Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Dumb Vs. Dumber

Lauren Boebert’s once again proving that as fools go
Only one dumber one her does Congress today know
And in a month a primary in Colorado will
Likely throw her off the ballot ‘cause she’s such a pill.

The prospect of her pending loss no doubt’s the reason why 
A wacky new conspiracy theory she’s pushed to try
To she’s working hard for voters in downtown DC
So her return to Congress voters better guarantee.

Her CT involves Margie Greene, the other bimbo who
As bimbos go’s the only one who can Bobo outdo
Apparently both bimbos hate each other with a passion
Which is why Bobo’s using Marge to give her CT traction.

Like every convoluted CT’s Bobo’s one is hard
To untangle what it’s hoisted on its own petard
About what it’s about and how its parts interrelate
But I’ll attempt to summarize what mixed up on its plate.

MGT hates Mike Johnson for sending Ukraine dough
For which her Moscow handlers demand she makes him go
So she’s determined to get him removed from speakership
Despite her party screaming at her to please get a grip.

Bobo’s CT says if Mike’s removed the Democrat
Party will make Jeffries speaker ‘though how they’ll do that
Given the way Congress works has yet to be revealed
By the CT Bobo’s brain cooked that’s now congealed

And once Jeffries is speaker his Dem party then removes
Trump from 50 state ballots before voting ensues 
‘Though Congress does not work that way also but what the hey?
It’s a CT conceived by Bobo, what more need one say?

So there you have it, one more tangled CT that’s come due
From one bimbo to another bimbo try to screw
Through twisted logic that claims Trump’s campaign gets thrown off-track
By Margie unless voters dumb as Bobo send her back.

8 May 2024

Bobo’s CT: MTG’s Speaker Vendetta Will Throw Trump Off The Ballot

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