Saturday, July 17, 2021

Mostly Empty Floor

Ticket sales are moving slowly, stadiums aren’t full
Of cultists willing to pay dough to hear old loads of bull
Dumped on them by Bill O’Reilly, whiny opening act
Who’ll set the stage for Trump’s ‘poor little me got robbed’ attack
Apparently eight thousand bucks for a VIP play
That meets and greets two assholes even wealthy fans won’t pay.

Stadiums aren’t filling up and ticket sales are down
For the tour of a loser as fronted by a clown
In city after city where they’re scheduled to appear
The venues where they’ll hump flags will be half empty, I hear
And some may well be emptier, we’ll have to wait and see
How many fools part with their money to with assholes be.

Slow ticket sales and empty stadiums both indicate
That when it comes to entertainment assholes don’t equate
To what the paying public wants to hear when it spends money
Compare their sorry ticket sales with concerts by Bad Bunny
And it’s painfully obvious if those sad sales don’t soar
The assholes will be entertaining mostly empty floor.

Trump was not happy when one of his rally crowds way back
Did not fill up all seats with cultists drawn to his attack
And at a recent rally someplace south the crowd walked out
Because they’d heard so many times what his whines were about
And so it comes as no surprise the Trump-O’Reilly show
Will be playing to non-packed houses everywhere they go.

But never fear, the two will claim crowds past imagination
Just like Trump did as his first lie after inauguration
Were in attendance everywhere the gaslight tag team played
So just ignore what press reported and cameras portrayed
About each half-filled stadium where two assholes alighted
Who later claimed all seats they filled and all who paid delighted.

17 July 2021

Ticket Sales are moving slowly for the coming Trump-O’Reilly stadium tour

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