Saturday, June 19, 2021

Unmasked Stupidity

MyPillow Guy thought that he could make lots and lots of money
By making face masks so expensive their cost wasn’t funny
So he re-tooled his factory to sew masks day and night
And piled them up on his warehouse shelves both left and right
But nobody wanted to pay him four dollars a pop
For crappy cloth masks so production has come to full stop.

He’s now stuck with cheap cloth face masks right out his old wazoo
And Trump’s no longer telling Jared to send money through
To buy all of his overpriced masks and thus honor him
For being a great patriot instead of kook has-been
He should have stuck with chopped foam pillows also overpriced
But at least bought by fools who hoped they’d make sleeping more nice.

MyPillow Guy primarily is searching high and low
For proof that’s indisputable Dems stole the vote count show
Or maybe it was satellites from Italy that caused
Trump’s lifelong rule as dictator to be reset on pause
So that is how he’s known and not as the dumb business fool
Who changed crap pillows to crap masks through factory re-tool.

Whatever it is that MyPillow Guy hopes to achieve
It’s obvious he has no rabbit hidden up his sleeve
But only gross incompetence and mass face mask regret
Because he was as stupid as a businessmen can get
For trading his cheap chopped foam pillow plant emporium 
For masks and big lie ideology that’s also dumb.

Trump awaits on his golden throne for promised evidence
That’s being sought by one who’s proven his incompetence
Is right up there with New Coke and that ugly Edsel car
And similar business fiascos that profits so mar
First chopped foam pillows, then face masks, then ideology
What MyPillow Guy fails at next we won’t wait long to see.

19 April 2021

The Spectacular Failure Of The MyPillow Guy’s Mask Operation

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