Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Political Price

It is all about politics despite what Biden said
Republicans would rather go maskless than not be dead
Idiots like DeSantis and Gregg Abbot agree
It’s their right to help their state residents be not bug-free.

Masks are signs of unmanliness they solemnly declare
And to not wear a mask in public displays manly flare
So what if it increases likelihood that some may die?
It’s a statement to not wear masks to Joe Biden defy.

Trump ripped his mask right off his face after the bug he beat
And stood there gasping like a beached fish on sand in the heat 
To proudly show his manly face aglow with manly sweat
No mask was good enough for him so on no masks they bet.

What’s good for Trump is good for mini-me Trump egos too
Which is why they let politics state residents now screw
Masks are a sign of weakness they say are fine to ignore
While COVID cases quietly across their states encore.

To manly Trump ass-kissing clones the writings on the wall
Not wearing masks makes them feel like they’re standing 10 feet tall
So they declare the pandemic is over in their state
And encourage not wearing masks as doing something great.

But when across their borders COVID comes creeping back in
To knock state residents not wearing masks right on the chin
Those infected may curse their governor before they die
For making politics and egos the price they’ve paid high.

30 March 2021

Biden, CDC director warn of virus rebound if nation lets up https://flip.it/KIkWOf

Biden Tells Texas & Other States To Reimpose Mask Mandate & Halt Reopenings https://flip.it/G1pvlD

Biden Urges States To Restore Mask Mandates https://flip.it/rOdhyl

Covid Strikes Back https://flip.it/9C758R

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