Saturday, February 8, 2020


Time to clean house, to clear the “books”, to set the “record” straight
Time to “expunge” from “history” “facts” that DON’T say I’m GREAT!!!
Time to grind anything left of “Democracy” to dust
And change those MONEY!!! “words” to say “ONLY IN TRUMP WE TRUST”!!!
Now that I’m TOTALLY ACQUITTED!!! NO holding ME back!!!

MY PURGE!!! I have begun by kicking out MY White House door
Those who “spoke ill” of MY RIGHT to be KING FOREVERMORE!!!
And while I’m kicking out MY door both MY FOES and their brother
MY BIGGEST ASS-KISSING TOADIES WILL help ME “freedom” smother!!!
“How Stupid Can You” Geatz from that DEEP RED sunny sand state
Has spread MY PURGE!!! to that MORON “RepubliSCAM” INGRATE!!!

And So What if MY PURGE!!! makes a FOOL of some “lobster” BITCH
From some HICK “state” that NEVER to MY STAR fully did hitch???
I WILL anoint some other HICK from “Maine” to bow to ME
That “state” is FULL of “lobster” LOSERS!!!, how hard could it be???
I’ll pick a Fine WHITE MANLY MAN to doubly “her” snub
It’s time to PURGE!!! those few last “females” from MY OLD BOY’S CLUB!!!

What a TREMENDOUS turn-out of MY CLUB was in attendance
At MY ACQUITTAL!!! “celebration” where I vowed MY VENGEANCE!!!
I “praised” EACH TOADY there by name for their TOAD LOYALTY
(Of course I’d turn on them the SECOND any turned on ME!!!)
I even “praised” MY TOP TOAD “Nunez”, but unlike dear “Rush”
I did NOT give him ANY “medal”, MY “praise” is enough!!!

So I “promise” it WILL be UGLY before I am through
But because it’s UGLY ALREADY what MORE can I do???
That first day I INSISTED MORE showed up to HONOR ME
Than ANY GREATER “number” recorded in “history”
Should have been your FIRST “clue” UGLY had come spinning in
I’ll now have to pick up MY PACE to FASTER UGLY SPIN!!!

8 February 2019

Trump's Core Philosophy: Get Even. It's Going to Be Really Ugly, Folks | The Smirking Chimp

GOP Rep. Calls for Romney to be Expelled from Republican Caucus | National Review

Collins says it would not be appropriate for Trump to retaliate against impeachment witnesses

Trump Swiftly Makes a Fool Of Susan Collins With Vindman Retaliation

Trump Fires Impeachment Witnesses Gordon Sondland and Alexander Vindman in Post-Acquittal Purge

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