Thursday, February 20, 2020


I’ve picked ANOTHER LOYALIST!!! who in Dems causes seizure
His LACK of “qualifications” is MY STANDARD procedure!!!
Because he’s FULLY “qualified” in ways that to ME “count”
He’s WHITE!!!, he’s MALE!!!, he’s LOYAL!!! Those are QUALITIES I tout!!!
It does NOT MATTER if he has NO “background” for the “work”
What MATTERS is he’ll KISS MY ASS as him around I jerk!!!

He’ll fit right in with MY TOADIES hopping around D.C.
Whose ONLY “qualification” is LOYALTY!!! to ME!!!
RepubliSCAMS up on the “Hill”, MY Swamp-filled “Cabinet”,
And now “Justice” I’ve filled with ALL the TOADIES I can get
Who Cares if MY new “Intel Chief” choice “blindsided” a few???
He’s LOYAL!!! and that’s ALL that “counts” in MY TOAD retinue!!!

He “alienated” ALL over in “Germany” he met
So he’ll do a Great “job” back here, on that you ALL can bet!!!
I’m sure he’ll be TREMENDOUS in the “job” I’ve put him in
It does NOT take “intelligence” to “intelligence” thin!!!
He’ll DECIMATE ALL “17” “agencies” he’ll soon lead
The SOONER they’re GONE the BETTER!!! Here’s wishing him “God’s speed”!!!

And like ALL OTHER “appointees” now “working” under ME
He WILL fill his new “job” in an “Acting” capacity
Which means once he DISPLEASES!!! ME I’ll kick him out the door
And re-fill his “Acting” position with “temps” by the score
Who are DESPERATE to “work” for ME DESPITE how little time
They’ll “Act” in their “capacity” until FORCED to “resign”!!!

MY so-called “Government” is one Great Big “Revolving Door”
“Actors” hop in, around, and OUT, some like Hope “twice” or MORE
I NEVER “appoint” ANYONE beyond “temporary”
MY “kids” “know” they’ll be GONE the SECOND they DARE DISPLEASE!!! ME!!!
It is SO EASY to “appoint” those I intend to FIRE
Because SO MANY MORE hop up to join MY TOADY Choir!!!

20 February 2020

Trump’s Choice for Intel Chief Leaves Officials ‘Blindsided’

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