Friday, February 28, 2020

Cult Consumption

EVERYTHING I do and say and Tweet’s for CULT CONSUMPTION
Like claiming Dems are “Do-Nothings” who do NOT have much gumption
Without mentioning TurtleMan has put the BIG “kibosh”
On “300” “bills” Dems tried to “enact” before he tossed
Or that I have ACCOMPLISHED MORE than ALL in “history”
And made Amerika now LOVED “internationally”!!!

And “Dense” Mike Pence also like ME makes MY Fine CULT CONSUME
When he says MY “Decisive Actions” made that “virus” swoon
And does NOT mention ALL the “virus research funds” removed
By ME and sent to MY BORDER!!! to get MY WALL!!! improved
DESPITE being a shallow “Homophobe” without much “sense”
MY CULT CONSUMES I chose him CZAR based on “experience”!!!

CULT CONSUMPTION is the GREATEST way that I have found
To pull the wool over the eyes of CULT SHEEP who abound!!!
Like ME because they CANNOT “add” “two” plus “two” and get “four”
They CONSUME ALL MY “lies” and beg “Please, sir, may I have more???”
CONSPICUOUS CONSUMPTION permeates their cells and sinew!!!
With wooly blind BELIEF IN ME MY CULT SHEEP they’ll continue!!!

28 February 2019

Pence tells 'Hannity' risk of coronavirus spread in US 'remains low' thanks to Trump's 'decisive action'

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