Friday, January 24, 2020

Death Valley

The God-Damned Dems got to ACCUSE ME on PRIME-TIME TV!!!
But MY “lawyers” have to mount MY DEFENSE in “Death Valley”!!!
On Saturday, for God’s sake, when FEW “watchers” will tune in
Traditionally it’s the day TV audiences THIN!!!
What that does to MY “Ratings” WILL be TOTALLY a CRIME!!

I declare EVERYTHING the Sleaze-bag DEMS said NULL and VOID
Because they got to say it at a time that’s ME annoyed!!!
It should have been MY time to SHINE just like I ALWAYS do
I’m ALWAYS on PRIME-TIME TV!!! That’s what I get to do!!!
It’s been that way since I first said “YOU’RE FIRED!!! on TV!!!
I CAN’T “believe” “Death Valley” is where MY “lawyers” must be!!!

It’s MY SHAM “Trial”!!! I should get to “schedule” WHO says WHEN!!!
And NO ONE wants to hear what’s said in PRIME-TIME by a Dem!!!
The World awaits what MY Fine hand-picked “legal team” WILL say
Why should it have to WAIT until the WEEKEND’s underway???
Re-Schedule MY Guys into the Time-Slot that’s ALWAYS MINE!!!
It does NOT MATTER what LIES they say as long as they’re PRIME!!!

24 January 2020

Trump complains about his defense team’s ‘Death Valley’ impeachment time slot

Trump Throws A Fit Because His Defense Will Start On Saturday

Trump Is Afraid No One Will Watch His Lawyers on TV

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