Thursday, July 25, 2024

Completely Unhinged

Eighty eight point fifty five million people one guesses
Trump feels it will be fine to kill if Iran ever messes
With the one life Dear Leader’s lived for nearly 80 years (SO OLD!!!)
Like assassinating it or something just as bold
Because if Iran kills he who with God MAGA’s equated
Trump has demanded in return Iran’s obliterated.

The population of Iran’s in for a big surprise
If anyone from therein kills he who they all despise
Then every single person in that country’s population
Will by Trump’s followers be killed to balance the equation
Because Dear Leader’s single life so obvious to them
Is in exchange worth killing eight eight point five five million.

Trump’s tremendous ego is demanding to be killed
Iran’s entire population if just his gets chilled
By any of that country’s 88.55
Million he’d be so OK with not keeping alive
So as a tribute to himself if he gets taken out
Of his demand for genocide Iran can have no doubt.

25 July 2025

 ‘Completely unhinged’: Trump stuns with demand that Iran be ‘obliterated’.

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