Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Marching Orders

What if Trump ordered a protest march and nobody came?
It’s been happening lately and it’s driving him insane
Extremely few came through when his hush money trial began
And yesterday just a few Proud Boy wannabe thugs ran
Around in front of the courthouse a little while until
They left Dear Leader to take naps and with farts his pants fill.

Trump’s trying once again to rally millions to his side
So once again we’ll have to see how well he takes in stride
The fact those millions maybe only exist in his head
Because who for him’d risk their lives and end up being dead?
But he remains convinced with guns ablaze his millions will
Instill the Civil War he hopes to with non-MAGAs kill.

Courtroom sketches have revealed Trump is either asleep
Or with looks on his face resembling befuddled sheep
He has no clue what to do because go-to tricks don’t work
In the first criminal trial being faced by the jerk
Who is sensing jail time’s approach and so has taken to
Calling for mass protest because what else can he do?

It’s clear some fear remains about the war Trump’s been intending
Since landslide loss his guaranteed victory was upending
And yes I guess there is a chance some armed fools may come through
With guns ablaze because un-civil war’s what they want too
 It if those die Trump will deny he’d ordered them to fight
With calls for “peaceful” protest they’d misunderstood, all right?

23 April 2024

“Rally behind MAGA” Trump calls for courthouse ‘protests’ nationwide https://flip.it/ncbPmJ

CRYBABY TRUMP is Miffed that His MAGA Cult Isn’t Storming the Courts to Protest His “Persecution” https://flip.it/36JifC

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