Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Social Deficits

Luckily the “country” I’ve created IS “insane”
So therefore MY new BUDGET!!! WILL NOT be flushed down the drain!!!
Instead it WILL strip “funding” from “Social Security”
To keep MASS BILLIONS flowing into MY MILITARY!!!
And to pretend RepubliSCAM “tax cuts” are no big deal
It promises in decades it WILL “deficits” repeal!!!

As long as we keep growing at a strong “3%” groove
By “2035” MY BUDGET!!! WILL in “balance” PROOVE
But to get there while cutting taxes for the VERY RICH
ALL those NOT in the “1%” may find that LIFE’S a BITCH!!!
If they have “kids” or if they’re “old” or “ill” in ANY WAY
My BUDGET!!! WON’T do much for them, that’s NOT MY “plan”, OK???

The bottom line is MY BUDGET!!! reverses “Robin Hood”
It ROBS the “poor” to ENSURE those of us RICH!!! live REAL GOOD!!!
To do so, though, of course some “sacrifices” MUST be made
If MONEY!!! is to “trickle” UPWARD pipers MUST be paid!!!
So EVERY “social program” I’ve placed on the CHOPPING BLOCK

Say “goodbye” to “school lunches” and to “clinics” for the “poor”
To make MORE MONEY!!! “trickle” UP HEREBY I them abjure!!!
Goodbye to “social safety nets” as USELESS as can be
And “seniors” can FORGET about “social security”!!!
MY BUDGET!!! clears the decks of ANY “social” CRAP remaining
But NEVER FEAR!!! From MY SPACE FARCE NO FUNDING I’m restraining!!!

Oh!!! I should also mention that to fund MY MIGHTY WALL
“Disease Control” I’ve ALSO CUT, so DON’T GET “SICK” , y’all!!!
That silly slant-eyed “cornyvirus” that’s now making rounds
Does NOT scare ANY of us living in gated compounds
As for you “poor” outside our gates the BUDGET I extol
Just “think” of as a new form of “POPULATION CONTROL”!!!

11 February 2019

In Any Sane Country, Trump's New Budget Would Be Political Suicide

Trump's New Budget Goes After Social Safety Net Programs

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