Sunday, January 26, 2020

Male Sack

Pompous Plump Play-Dough could NOT find his ASS with a “map”
But that does NOT mean he has to put up with some broad’s CRAP!!!
Just because some “woman’s” SMARTER than he is by far
Does NOT give her the right to FIGHT!!! GASLIGHT!!! on NPR!!!
I thought I’d “trained” him VERY WELL in how to GASLIGHT!!! work
But his GASLIGHTING!!! was TRUMPED!! by that “Mary Louise” JERK!!!

He challenged her to “read” a “map” and indicate “Ukraine”
Assuming that she had NO CLUE, but alas, ALL in vain!!!
She knew EXACTLY where it was and did NOT hesitate
And STOOD HER GROUND!!! which really did NOT make him look so Great!!!
He DOUBLED-DOWN!!! in accordance with MY GASLIGHTING!!! PLAN!!!

Because she “beat” his GASLIGHTING!!! he’s moved on to “Stage Two”!!!
NOBODY may be buying it but what ELSE can he do???
It’s NOT like he’ll admit he’s “wrong” to end the whole affair
That is something a GAS-LIGHTER!!! MUST NEVER with FOES share!!!
So he’s accused her of LYING about “promises” made
To get GASLIGHTING!!! back on track and maintain the charade!!!

I’ll throw Play-Dough UNDER THE BUS if he can’t pull this off!!!
He’s in SO DEEP over his head he may NOT get aloft
Because as an “internet” “meme” he’s MOCKED unmercifully!!!
I could “care” LESS, except HIM SCREWING-UP “reflects” on ME!!!
MY GASLIGHT!!! “TRAINING” REPUTATION he has placed at stake!!!
That NEXT MALE SACK I “train” had better BETTER “map” routes take!!!

26 January 2020

Mike Pompeo Dares Veteran Foreign Correspondent to Find Ukraine on Map (She Does)

Pompeo Doubles Down On NPR Reporter Attack. No One Buys It.

Mike Pompeo is a disgrace

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