Sunday, September 15, 2024

Lost Talent

Donald Trump’s tremendous talent for lying has been
The core of his crap character and the essence of him
Since his first lie about millions under white tarps hid
Not one day has he allowed to be of new lies rid.

During four years as President the Washington Post count
Of lies over his mis-tenure rose to a vast amount
Somewhere around 40 thousand lies they documented
Which earned for him the greatest liar prize ever invented.

Immediately after voters kicked his fat ass out
Of office his biggest big lie beyond any doubt
He started circulating and it remains to this day
His central lie around which every other he’d array.

Trump’s lies will never end, with them we never will be done
But lately his big lies he’s trading for lies small and dumb
Which are sorely impacting his lie ability
Because it’s easy to disprove small dumb lies rapidly.

Big lies have many interwoven strands and each must be
Disproven in the context of the lie’s entirety
Each sticky strand in the lie’s web must be disproven which
Takes time during which new strands into big lies liars stitch.

Which is why Trump’s biggest big lie he’s brought back again
To to his debate debacle his “I WON!” claim append
As he was then so he’s been now very unfairly cheated
Because the same rigged contest tricks Dem foes have just repeated.

But it was during that debate that something new arrived
With the new lies he tried to sell which cut them down to size
And that was how stupidly small each new lie proved to be
Which since they were so small and dumb got disproved easily.

Instead of just relying on his big lies during spats
With Kamala one new small lie claimed White folk’s dogs and cats
Were in deadly danger because Haitians eat them whole
And another cited after birth abortion’s toll.

Few strands needed untangling to rapidly produce
The truth about his lie about dogs and cats served au Jus
And because you cannot abort babies after they’re born
His other lie was also met with internet meme scorn.

Rapidly disproving, scorn, and joke status all now
Into Trump’s ability to sell dumb small lies plow
And as fence-sitting voters hear more smaller lies he’s trying
To sell they’ll say he’s lost his talent and their vote for lying.
15 September 2924

Trump is losing his talent for lying.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

From Now Until November

From now until November airwaves will fill up with hate
From MAGAs as predicted even before the debate
But after Trump took such a dump on his chances to win
The firehose of gushing lies we’ll be hearing from him
And them will crank up past eleven to ensure our fate
Teeters on the knife edge of dementia’s desperate hate.

From now until November Trump’s dementia will increase
As polls turn against him so MAGAs will need to release
Ever more convoluted explanations of word salad
Scrambled thoughts spilled from pig lips in melting face grown pallid
From ever lower energy attempts to make fans more
Like they were before heading out early for the door.

From now until November to take up Trump’s slack the croaks
We hear from desperate MAGA candidates may seem like jokes
And turn into internet memes but won’t be what they seem
Because lurking beneath their surface poverty’s extreme
Racial hatred will be used by White billionaires to
Turn America so red it never regains blue.

14 September 2024

It’s Later Than You Think.

Trump Admits He Doesn't Really Care About Effects Of Racist Conspiracy.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Sensitively Sheltered

Trump won the first debate so well he sees no need to try
To kick Kamala's butt again so since he’s a nice guy
He has decided to decline another chance for him
To once again humiliate her when millions tune in
For a repeat performance of his brilliance shining through
Each detailed response he makes to questions in round two.

Trump won the first debate so well he’s willing to forego
A second opportunity to during prime time sow
More clear and concise answers during one more question round
He’d effortlessly provide to again put Harris down
And so to shelter her from more humiliation he
Sees no need to on stage show how dumb again she’ll be.

Trump won the first debate so well there’s no need to convey
More brilliant responses to new questions thrown his way
While she again gives no response that makes a bit of sense
To any question they ask her so to shelter her hence
From further scorn because he’s such a sweet and caring guy
He’ll sensitively give their second debate round a bye.

13 Friday 2024

Trump is Losing Post-Debate Debate Too.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

No Greater Debater

Trump insists he won the debate!!! 98 to 2
Was what one poll he says he read said had been his due
Which is a bit questionable because it’s agreed
That ‘though he can do a few things not one of them is read
But Hey!, it may be like his proof about pet casserole
He saw something on TV about that poll’s high toll.

Trump had the “best debate ever”!!! Through all history
Nobody’s ever won a debate more tremendously
Than he which all agree he did despite what all have said
About both moderators helping Kamala instead
By feeding her each question through her earrings in advance 
Despite thanks to his brilliance to win she had not one chance.

Trump says “three to one” against him were the unfair odds
He easily defeated because all three were dumb clods.
Each of whom he kept on a running rings around all night
On every question about which they gave Harris insight
It could have been millions to one and he still would have won
Because there’s no greater debater than the Chosen One.

Trump has indicated no more debates need occur
Because why should he waste more precious golf time beating her
Since he just proved beyond all doubt what everybody said:
That his debate skill knocked any slim win chance she had dead
He’ll crush her in November so there’s no need to repeat
What history already sees as debate’s greatest feat.

12 September 2024

Trump insists he won the debate, says another “probably won’t happen”.

MAGA Has a Pathetic New Conspiracy After Trump’s Terrible Debate Night.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Bait Taken

Read any news reviews you choose, even Fox if you must
And you will see they all agree Trump’s ass got ground to dust
Last night as Harris trapped him many times during debate
By getting him to like a greedy fish take every bait
Set on his plate to seal his fate as each he gobbled down
Trapped him tighter in the role of debate losing clown.

Watch any MAGA media including OAN
And you won’t hear one pundit cheer while trying to defend
Trump’s night where fear his end draws near came further to the fore
Because Harris trapped him not just once but a lot more
For every time she dangled bait he swallowed it down whole
Which trapped him in the loser’s role which was her major goal.
Think what you will about last night but good luck if you try
To say like Trump’s “best debate ever” he’s the winning guy
Harris trapped him like a fish hooked tightly beyond any doubt
And no matter what MAGAs chatter it won’t get thrown out
Debate flop proof his time has passed on history’s fast stage
On which as his curtain closes more extreme lies he’ll rage.

11 September 2024

Trump Spent the Debate Walking Into Traps Harris Set For Him.

Donald Trump Tried To Spin His Debate Flop With Three Words. It Did Not Go Well.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Fantasy Reality

Trump’s desire for a return to his past campaign
Has moved beyond wishful thinking to fantasy insane
He really really doesn’t want to against Harris run
Because WHITE MEN should not have to deal with black female scum
And so in melt down mode his latest fantasy is that 
Soon again into the ring Joe will fling back his hat.

Trump’s really really really really really afraid that
Wrestling Kamala will get him pinned to the mat
Because he hasn’t been able to find one snide nickname 
That sticks to her or any other way to her defame
Which is why he’s fantasizing Biden will return
So he’ll no longer struggle to a fake black woman spurn.

Reality for Trump is that which in his ego’s view
Says it must be which from what really is sits far askew
It doesn’t occur to him that which his brain says must be
Is fantasy reality produced internally
His fantasy reality’s new melt down iteration 
Is the return making him earn landslide vote adoration.

10 September 2024

Trump Melts Down Over State Of  His Campaign With Wild Biden Fantasy.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Bloody Show

It’s going to be a “bloody show” if Trump is not elected
Because he’ll try to burn it all down if he gets rejected
By enough voters who prefer a fake Black female bitch
To a mucho macho straight White man who’s very rich.

The “bloody show” he referred to was for immigrants but
They will not be the only ones he’ll tell his cult to cut
Down with their guns blazing if the election’s results
Defeats him which he will see as the worst of all insults.

Internally Trump’s running scared because he knows that he
Could end up as a two-time loser very easily
Which his fragile ego would find unacceptable
So he’s preparing his armed cult to all of his foes cull.

So ‘though he says the “bloody show” to which he just referred
Will be how every illegal immigrant gets interned
Before he has them removed from our shores forevermore
Migrants aren’t the main target he wants cult guns to gore.

The “bloody show” Trump’s real agenda's slated to pursue
Is the one his winks and nods have been leading up to
They’re the code words for which his standing-by cult’s long been waiting
That set the stage for bloody show vengeance and ego slating.

9 September 2024

Two Words In Donald Trump’s Latest Anti-Immigrant Rant Send Chills Down Critics’ Spines

Trump hopes for a “bloody” outcome dealing with migrants.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Women Love Him

Trump says women love him. Polling shows a gender gap
In his head alone is where his ‘women love me’ crap
Resides because female registration shore to shore
Is occurring in greater numbers than ever before
Especially among young women who have had enough
Of his pussy grabbing belief women like it rough.

Trump says women love him. Polling shows a gender gap
Primarily for his boasts about ending Roe v. crap
Using his stacked Supreme Court to end their right to choose
Made millions of women make sure their votes would help him lose
Thus making the gender gap grow at an increased pace
As women register to shove their vote’s fist in his face.

Trump says women love him. Polling shows a gender gap
Although it’s true a lot of women do applaud his crap
One wonders just how many of them really do him love
And how many must say they do to keep things cool above
The boiling point where MAGA husbands and boyfriends fists strike
Them in the face again for some perceived Dear Leader slight.

Trump says women love him. Polling shows a gender gap
That’s growing daily as his manly mucho macho crap
Impresses other wannabe males in each rally crowd
And women in attendance with their men cheer for him loud
Maybe because some truly believe shit he keeps repeating
But for some it may be a way they delay their next beating.

8 September 2024

Trump says women love him. Polling shows a gender gap.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Another Crap Product

The stock market is giving everyone the royal shaft
Who when it came to investing were incredibly daft
Enough to invest in Truth Social and then watch the cash
They threw away on Trump’s dumb stock become worth less than trash
After a 70% loss of top value it had
Before Harris entered the race and things for it got bad.

Truth Social stock right after the Republican convention
Climbed up to almost 80 bucks a share with clear intention
Of soon surpassing 100 but that was before Joe
Dropped out and Kamala dropped in and the stock dropped below
It’s former peak and kept on dropping and never turned back
To 17 bucks and change now in loss that’s not been slack.

The speed at which the stock declined has been awesome to see
Trump himself lost about 4 Billion in a month or three
Although he really hasn’t lost a dime except on paper
Because they gave him his stock free at the start of the caper
So why should he care if poor cultists who had trusted him
Watch as life savings in Truth Social stock down the drain spin?

The stock market is a hard lesson for all those who’d try
To get rich quick by basing their investments on a guy
With dozens of failed products he to fools just like them sold
Who after each crap product failed were left out in the cold
So why should there be any wonder Truth Social is failing?
It’s just another crap product in patterns long prevailing.

7 September 2024

Trump’s Stock Value Craters As Sign Of How Much He’s Struggling.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Consistently Idiotic

Another very stupid thing’s been said by Vance (JD)
That isn’t being greeted by Trump’s team too happily
Because now they must scramble to contain with all their might
The newest crisis Vance just dumped on MAGA’s extreme right
By saying that school shooting are ‘a fact of life’ and so
We all should just accept them as part of our nation’s show.

Vance (JD) has got to be the greatest VP choice
MAGA could have made to make all Democrats rejoice
He really is as stupid as he’s claimed rednecks can be
And when it comes to Trump’s campaign he’ll write the elegy
The MAGA mob is stuck with him and Trump is less than happy
That both he and his VP choice have campaign skills so crappy.

Here’s a raised glass to Vance (JD) who someday history
Will see as the most awful VP choice MAGAs could see
But also the best ever VP choice Dems could hope for
Because although they hated him they too did him adore
For saying things so consistently idiotic that
Dems were delighted MAGA threw into the ring his hat.

6 September 2024

Trump’s team scrambles after JD Vance calls school shootings ‘a fact of life’.

Walz Rips Vance As ‘Pathetic’ for Asking Nation to Accept Mass Shootings as ‘Fact of Life”.